
EventLogViewer Logo

Event Log Viewer, an Event Viewer application to analyze the windows event logs and make sense of it. It has

Event Log Viewer is simple yet powerful event viewer application to allow you to review and understand the windows event logs in a single view. It is much more than just a simple tool to view the event logs. It present you the windows event logs in an intriguing way where you would just love to review the event logs and never get bored again. Try Event Log Viewer event viewer application now and see for yourself.

Event Log Viewer allows you to view multiple event log files at a time thus keeping everything in one window and make it simple to review the windows event logs. You can open windows event logs from the various available event log sources on local machine or you can open a saved event log file captured from another machine. Copy with and without event log xml options are also available for you to extract the selected events details easily.

EventLogViewer Features and Shortcuts

Event Log Viewer gives you an easy access to various options for easy interaction with the event logs. You can Perform:

  • Time Correction/Reset Time Correction
  • Filter/Reset Filter
  • Export Bookmarked Events
  • Export All Events
  • View Statistics
  • View Event Log Error Heatmap
  • View Event ID/Day BarChart
  • Event Log Scattered Graph

Advanced Filtering based on the Providers and Categories allows you to filter specific category/provider available in the loaded event logs. This sometimes is not available in Windows native Event Viewer application. It helps you focus only on a specific area in the given event log. You can also utilize description filter to find events matching the description of interest.

EventLogViewer Provider and Category Filtering

When you collect windows event logs from customer environment with a different time zone, it becomes really difficult to establish a timeline as the event log times are converted to local time. The Time Correction feature of Event Log Viewer allows you to adjust event log time as per your needs. Once you apply the time correction, the filtering and export will also work based on the converted time. You can easily view the converted and non-converted time in the details section of the application.

Event logs are much more than the collection of events. It has a lot of information which gets suppressed due to the unavailability of tools to view that information. Event Log Viewer has various statistics available to unveil this information to you in a single form. Once you see these statistics, the event logs will start to make more sense to you. The various statistics are the count of event per level, count of events per category, count of events per provider, count of events per user SID, count of events per day and count of events per event id. You can hover on some of these to also see sub-categorization of the events. It makes analyzing the event logs so easy and enjoyable.

EventLogViewer Rich Statistics

The HeatMap of Event Log Viewer provides you a unique way of understanding the times you are seeing most errors. This shows you a trend of errors over time on a particular system. With this information, you can now have a better information about the timeline to focus your investigation on. It gives you a way to look outside of Windows Event logs and investigate what is happening during that time. You can also navigate through different months to view the HeatMap for the complete timeline of events available in the event log.

Event Log Viewer Bar Chart of the selected Event ID will help you understand the frequency of the event for last 15 occurrences. This will help you understand if there is any variation in the event occurrences so that you can dig deeper.

EventLogViewer BarChart
EventLogViewer ScatteredGraph

Event Log Viewer Scattered Graph of the selected Event ID further helps you understand at what time specifically you are seeing that event. This will help you understand the trend better and will help you in your troubleshooting.

Event Log Viewer Color Coding options helps you set the custom colors for event logs based on the event log level. This helps you spot the event logs of interest more easily. Once set, the new colors will immediately reflect in all the available open event views.

EventLogViewer FontOptions

Event Log Viewer allows you to customize it further and set the font family and size of your choice. This improves your experience further of viewing the event log and makes this boring work more enjoyable.

Event Log Viewer has different themes to choose from and this gives you more control over the visual aspect of the application. The goal is to make your experience better.

EventLogViewer Themes
EventLogViewer Easy Navigation

Event Log Viewer makes Event Log information easily accessible to you with additional attributes like Original Time and Converted Time for you to easily understand the difference between event log files. Event Log Viewer also gives you an easy navigation to view event logs entries.