Time Adjustment/Correction

Time adjustment is particularly needed while viewing the event logs collected from the system with a different time zone. By default, these are converted to local time zone. It sometimes makes it difficult to co-relate and arise a need to frequently convert the time which can lead to errors and can be tedious.

This Adjustment feature lets you adjust the time as per the needs. A particular value can be added or substracted to adjust the time. In order to do that, one needs to know the time difference between the local time-zone and the other time-zone.

For Example, Suppose you have collected the event logs from a machine with UTC time-zone and you are viewing these events on a machine with IST time-zone (UTC+5:30). By default, the time you see is the actual event log time + 5:30 hours (IST). The Event which was logged at 1 PM UTC will show as it was logged at 6:30 PM when viewed on the IST machine.

This can be corrected by adjusting the time using the Time Adjustment feature. You will have to substract 5 hours and 30 Minutes to see the actual time of events.

Time can be adjusted to UTC directly using the “Convert to UTC Time” option which will convert the event log time to UTC.

Please note that, the Time related filters will be applied based on the time adjustment done. The Export and copy of the events will also use the adjusted time.